Why Businesses Should Host Fundraisers & Giveaways

Why Businesses Should Host Fundraisers & Giveaways


Benefits of Giveaways and Fundraisers

How Giveaways and Fundraisers are Beneficial for Everyone

Let’s talk about giveaways and fundraisers. As a business, you might be familiar with both to some extent. Perhaps you have even participated in one yourself. Today, I want to share with you some of my personal experiences working on these types of projects at QQ Studio. It’s a great feeling whenever I get to be a part of something that helps everyone out. So, if you want to learn why fundraisers and giveaways are a key part of building up others as well as your business, keep reading.


There’s a First Time for Everything!

Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: BCA Fundraiser Event Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: BCA Fundraiser Event

This gradient cotton candy pink bag was one of the three packaging bags promoted during the BCA fundraiser. This bag is 100% food-safe and stylish!

Coming from first-hand experience, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay if your first fundraiser hits a couple of bumps in the road. Don’t be discouraged from trying out different promotional approaches and ideas. Your fundraiser planning skills will only get better as you continue doing them!

My first fundraiser at QQ Studio was geared towards raising money for breast cancer awareness month in October. The decision to plan this event was quite simple; it was the right thing to do. Before you examine any other beneficial factors that come with doing a fundraiser, there should be a selfless motive behind it. Because our team felt passionate about this cause, it motivated us to do our best to make it a success. So, we decided to dedicate the color pink to BCA month on our media platforms. In addition, we donated a percentage of sales from three of our pink bags to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. So how exactly did it benefit everyone? Well, we were able to raise money for a good cause, spread awareness, and still managed to stay on brand by emphasizing our #packwithcolor image in our daily content.


Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Color Wheel Game Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Game Sweepstake Invitation


The next fundraiser was an even greater hands-on experience and a bigger success! This time, we were able to coordinate an Instagram Live sweepstake event. This event included a spin wheel that participants donated to play for a chance to win prizes. After a successful turnout, all donations went directly to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. I must admit, although it was a bit nerve-wracking, the reward that came out of it was amazing. This time, we were able to raise more money, and give out a ton of prizes to those who played. The benefits of this fundraiser were similar to the one before, except on a larger scale. I also believe that QQ Studio benefited further from this because it taught us how to go out of our comfort zone, plan better, and execute.


Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Holiday Fundraiser Invitation Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: FB Live Event


While we hosted our Instagram live sweepstake, we also did the same thing for Facebook live. However, the event didn’t go exactly as we planned on this platform. One key takeaway from our experience was that a business page must be verified in order to directly provide a link to raise money. We also realized that not nearly as many people who were interested in the event actually showed up when the time came. We plan on learning from this experience moving forward and better preparing for our next event. I certainly don’t consider this as a failure because it taught us a lot about Facebook and how to go about planning fundraisers next time!


 Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Giveaway Time Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Giveaway Prizes


Giveaways are always a fun way to interact with followers on social media. These events are excellent for spreading brand awareness, organic growth, and giving people something to look forward to. While I was not personally involved in the project, my fellow team members have hosted multiple over the past year. For example, we hosted a giveaway that gave one lucky participant $50 dollars store credit on our website. We have also been able to give away merchandise such as t-shirts, tote bags, stickers, and sets of bags. From this, we were able to get people even more interested in our company!


Final Thoughts

Fundraisers and giveaways have further taught me to not only think about bringing value to our brand, but to bring value to others as well. My greatest advice to other businesses is to try something new. You never know what good might come out of setting up new events. We have other business tips to share with you as well. If you like this blog, check out our other blog on how QQ Studio has gained followers that engage with us. To stay up to date with our latest content, feel free to visit our Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest pages.

Benefits of Giveaways & Fundraisers: Final Note


QQ-Tip: Trying and failing is better than not trying at all. If you have an idea for a fundraiser or giveaway that you’ve never attempted before, give it a shot! No matter what, you’ll always learn from the experience.

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