Crafts to Make Using Mod Podge

Crafts to Make Using Mod Podge


What to Know About Mod Podge For Small Businesses

What to Know About Mod Podge

If you own a small business, you probably know that building a loyal base of customers means everything. So how do you gain that loyalty? Selling exactly what they want is a good place to start. Making customized DIY mod podge projects is an excellent way to satisfy your consumer’s specific craft needs. Oh, and it’s super fun and easy to make too! To get you started with some mod podge gift ideas, we’ve come up with a crash course on what mod podge is and some project ideas for your customers to buy.


What is it?

Mod Podge is a special type of finish and glue that seals items such as paper and fabric material to surfaces. The coolest part about mod podge is that you can use it to create tons of projects. Mod podge can take any regular item and turn it into a one of a kind design that your customer will cherish forever. Aside from selling personalized mod podge projects, you can additionally sell mod podge kits for customers to craft their own DIY projects as well. To package mod podge kits, you might like this stand up bag. The rounded window is perfect for displaying the products from the outside!


What to Know About Mod Podge: What is it?


Picture Podges

They say a picture says a thousand words. If that’s true, then a mod podge picture says a million! Sealing pictures that your customer wants on a surface is a creative service that doesn’t take long to do. All that you would need from the customer is a copy of a photo that they want podged. Then, seal the picture to a surface such as a wooden board and voila! You are ready to sell a limited edition personalized project. When applying the picture, be sure to smooth the surface as best as possible with your fingertips. Also, use the mod podge to coat a couple finishing layers to the photo.

What to Know About Mod Podge: Picture Podges

To learn more about how to apply photos to wood using mod podge, check out this blog. To package small pictures, check out our cardboard gift boxes. This box is durable and contains a window to show the photo inside!


Mugs and Glasses

What to Know About Mod Podge: Mugs and Glasses

You can apply designs with mod podge to just about anything. Some great items to sell are glasses and mugs. Don’t worry, there's a special top-rack dishwasher safe mod podge you can buy. The designs aren’t limited to personal pictures either. You can mod podge universal designs to put on as many glasses and mugs as you want and sell them individually or in bulk quantity! Some steps to help create a mod podge mug or glass is to coat a layer of mod podge on an area, add any kind of paper, and paint an additional mod podge coat after it dries. Learn more about making a designed glass or mug using mod podge on this blog.



Using mod podge and a few other supplies, you can successfully create a designed tile coaster. This coaster would be a perfect housewarming gift for consumers to purchase. Selling a specialized set could also be an appealing package, so that customers can own matching coasters to place around the house. The steps to making a beautiful coaster is similar to a mug. First, coat the tile with podge, add any designed sheet of paper, cover it with mod podge again once dried, and then add acrylic sealer.

What to Know About Mod Podge: Coasters

To learn more on how to make tile coasters visit this blog. If you want to store individual coasters, you might be interested in this container shaped bag. The jar design goes hand in hand with the coaster’s home look!


Final Thoughts

We hope you look into incorporating mod podge projects into your business. The possibilities of crafts to make are numerous, and your customers will love the uniqueness of your products. However, Mod Podge isn’t the only craft to keep in mind. If you like this, check out our other blog on homemade beaded jewelry designs.

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