Best DIY Craft to Give as Present

Best DIY Craft to Give as Present


How to Make a Gift full of Memories

Making a Gift Booklet Filled with Memories

Sometimes the best types of gifts are the ones that don’t cost much to make. It’s the time and effort that you put in that says it all. Whether it’s for a relationship, special friendship, or family member, making a personal DIY booklet with memories you’ve made with that person is an amazing craft that can be cherished forever. The booklet is super easy to put together, and you can decorate and write whatever you want on it.


Making a Gift Booklet Filled with Memories: Materials


It’s incredibly easy to prepare the materials to make a memory booklet. Are you ready? All you need to put this project together is:

  • computer paper
  • waxed cord
  • an awl
  • a writing utensil
  • a sewing needle
  • colored pencils

The beauty of a DIY booklet is its simplicity. When I say it’s simple, I mean simple. Like, I remember making a variation of a mini booklet back in middle school (using a stapler instead). Yet, the creative content you fill it with will take it over the top. To store your supplies, check out this single-sided bag. The translucent side will allow your materials to display on the outside!

Side note: You only need a writing utensil if you plan on manually writing on the booklet. If you wish, you can type whatever you want to write and print out the page in booklet form. I recommend handwriting (unless your handwriting is illegible) on the paper because it gives the book a more crafty and thoughtful look.


Making a Gift Booklet Filled with Memories: What to Write


Before you make the structure of the booklet, you should probably figure out what you are going to say in it. If you’re not much of a writer, you can also make the booklet a more picture-based experience. Whether you decide to write or draw, or both, you should try to get your point across in the best way possible. Think about memories you’ve had with the person to whom you’re giving the book. You can even write a small inside joke that only the two of you would know. Anything sentimental is a lovely addition to the booklet. 

When you structure your writing, be sure that you are filling both the front and back side of the page so that the booklet comes out cohesively. Also leave space in the middle of the page for folding. Otherwise, some words might be a bit too hard for the reader to understand. If you prefer, you can wait until after you finish the booklet to write inside of it.


Making a Gift Booklet Filled with Memories: Putting it All Together


Now that you’ve written what you want to say on your papers or at least have an idea, you’re ready to move on to the construction phase:

  • First, fold the pages in half. Make sure you fold each page in the same spot so that everything will line-up when placed together.
  • Next, using the awl, poke holes through the middle of each page at an evenly spaced distance (preferably 1 inch).
  • Using the needle and wax cord, sew through the holes going up and then back down.
  • Once the booklet is sewed, tie the cord.
To learn more about how to assemble the booklet, visit this blog. Package your booklet in this stylish glossy bag. The rounded window would be perfect for showing off a portion of the front cover!


Wrap Up

Ultimately, the DIY booklet is a considerate gift to give anyone that means a lot to you. Just remember, you don’t have to be the world’s best artist or writer to make an amazing gift. This is a fun activity that needs to be shared and loved. There are other fun DIY crafts you can make too. If you like this blog, check out our other blog on crafts to make using mod podge. Mod podge crafts could be a great gift as well!

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