La Connecta Spicy Munchies Interview
At QQ Studio, we like to highlight up and coming businesses that we’re excited about. Recently, I got to interview the founder of La Connecta Spicy Munchies, Jaslynn Olivas, about how she got started in the chamoy candy business. As someone who tried their product first hand, I can honestly say that the flavor is unlike anything I’ve tasted before. La Connecta Spicy Munchies has been purchasing packaging from QQ Studio for a while now. As we continue to grow, we have had the pleasure of witnessing their growth at the same time. Without further ado, here is the much anticipated interview that we’ve been dying to share.
Getting Started
First, I wanted to start with the basics. When I asked Olivas how she became interested in the candy business, her response was, “I had looked up a recipe on YouTube to make candies for my husband and family and soon discovered my own recipe to make my candies unique and flavorful.” This goes to show that sometimes you don’t know how great you can be at something until you try it! Since wanting to make candy for her family, Olivas has been able to turn her talents into a full business.
Company Growth
The next question I asked was what contributed the most to the growth of her company. “All of the support from my Town Fabens, Tx, my family who supports me, my husbands & kids,” she answered. Olivas is clearly very family oriented, and it’s encouraging to see how important a good support system is. Olivas went on to add that Facebook, Instagram & Tiktok were some media platforms that helped get her business the exposure it deserves. The results have proven to be true too. For example, the La Connecta Spicy Munchies Facebook page was created in May 2020, and has already gained over 1.1k members. There’s no doubt that the company is on a strong path to success. I think that both of Olivas’ answers are highly applicable to building up a business in different ways. With a strong internal support system and an online presence that reaches others, there is tremendous room for growth. We at QQ Studio have also promoted the company, as they have promoted us on several occasions. It’s always a beautiful thing when small businesses get to cross promote.
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Name & Logo
After learning more about the company, I wanted to shift gears into the branding side of La Connecta Spicy Munchies. When I asked how the name and logo of the company originated, she replied, “My older brother actually came up with the name, he wanted something that would stick and would be unique. A friend of mine helped me with the logo, I wanted something from my heritage included.” La Connecta, meaning “the plug” or “the hookup,” is a stand out name with a catchy ring to it. The logo design is definitely original too. Having something that separates your business from the rest of the pack is imperative. Local businesses have also embraced La Connecta Spicy Munchies by placing a brand sticker with the logo on their windows. This shows that Olivas and her business are well liked and respected in her community.
Standing Out
As someone who wasn’t too familiar with the chamoy candy business, I was curious to know how La Connecta Spicy Munchies stands out from other competitors. “I don’t see other businesses as competitors. I feel there is room for all of us to grow and stand out in our own unique ways,” said Olivas. I thought this was a refreshing response. While it is important to be mindful of other businesses in the same industry, we should still be building up fellow small businesses and encouraging peers to reach their goals too.
The Best Part
There’s always a gratifying part about operating a business that keeps you going. So, I asked Olivas about the most rewarding part about running La Connecta Spicy Munchies. “All of the new people I have gotten to meet, all the awesome feedback, and most of all the love and support from everyone,” she said. We’ve seen the love several customers have shown La Connecta on social media platforms. For example, one of their customers shouted them out on Instagram and added, “Thank you @la_connecta_spicy_candies_ for the amazing basket for our Odessa College United Way auction! Order some delicious treats from her.”
We at QQ Studio completely relate to this as well. It’s always a great feeling when people stand behind your product. La Connecta has even personally sent QQ Studio care packages of their candy as an act of kindness and support. The overwhelming amount of support we have received from customers keeps us motivated to continue doing what we do!
Since La Connecta Spicy Munchies has been a loyal QQ Studio customer, I used the last segment of our interview to ask about bags. First, I asked Olivas what she looks for in packaging. “Very high quality, heat resistant, easy to handle,” she replied. Following this question, I asked how she became acquainted with QQ Studio. “I started purchasing bags from Amazon soon to find QQ Studio’s website. They have the best bags, everything I was looking for,” Olivas answered. We appreciate her kind words, and we look forward to having a long term relationship with La Connecta Spicy Munchies for years to come. QQ Studio offers high quality colorful packaging that’s built to stand the test of time. The way La Connecta packages their products has reached a new level. Now, Olivas even offers gift boxes with individual bags held inside. We were the recipient of one of a Valentine’s Day themed gift box and we loved it!
One of my key takeaways from this interview was learning how much drive Olivas has. When asked about expanding her candy selection in the future, she replied, “Yes, I am always looking for new candies to add to our selection.” Striving for more is always an indicator that a business will succeed in the long run. La Connecta Spicy Munchies already carries a wide selection of spicy candies too. Whether it’s Startbusts, gummy bears, gummy worms, spicy peanuts, or more, you are sure to find something you like.
In continuation of understanding more about La Connecta’s plans, I followed up by asking about the goals of the company moving forward. “Open up a small shop or candy truck, grow more and be known around the US, and add more candy selection,” Olivas responded. It’s clear that she envisions La Connecta Spicy Munchies will be bigger than it is now, and rightfully so.
I hope you enjoyed our exclusive interview with La Connecta as much as I did. It’s always helpful to hear a new perspective from a fellow small business. Be sure to follow @la_connecta_spicy_candies_ on Instagram to get the latest updates on their products. We have other interviews to share with you as well. If you like this blog, check out our other interview with Big Johnson Jerky.