336 Series Featured Bag of The Day - Rice Paper Seed Bags

336 Series Featured Bag of The Day - Rice Paper Seed Bags


363 Series - Product Packaging for Seeds and Nuts

Amongst the three bag types that we offer at QQ Studio, our Stand Strong™ bags are capable of holding a large number of products due to their expandable bottom gusset. This is beneficial for customers because they get more servings out of a product stored in a large Stand Strong™ bag rather than a flat QuickQlick™ bag. Due to the larger maximum capacity, customers can even utilize these stored products in their weekly snack prep.

Our 363 series Stand Strong™ bags are sizeable, functional, and secure. These rice paper and polyethylene bags come in yellow and salmon pink in 16x26cm, or 6.3x10.2 inches. The round bottom gusset makes it possible for these bags to stand up on store shelves on their own. The 363 series bag also has a strong ziplock that will prevent your products from leaking out.


What Makes Them Special?

363 Series - Product Packaging for Seeds and Nuts

One distinctive element of our 363 series bags is that they are made of rice paper. The rice paper material produces a unique pattern, so no two rice paper bags will look alike! Storing your products in rice paper bags will make them stand out amongst other products.

Another exceptional element of our 363 series bags is that they come with a die-cut handle. The die-cut handle is designed to be wide enough for customers to fit their fingers through. This will allow your customers to easily carry your product by hand in the store and at home.


What Do You Recommend Storing in Them?

363 Series - Product Packaging for Seeds and Nuts

We suggest using our 363 series bags to store multiple seed or nut products. You can store chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and many more! The bag is also ideal for walnuts, pecans, or almonds. Our 363 series bags are able to comfortably hold about 10 ounces of solid products. Customers will be able to get a view of your seeds through the clear rectangular window.


What Protections Do They Offer?

363 Series - Product Packaging for Seeds and Nuts

The rice paper material is able to block out water vapor, gases, dirt, and debris. Your seeds will be kept dry, odor-free, and tasting great! Customers will be happy to receive fresh seeds to eat alone or with salads, yogurt, or granola.


What Are Some Ideal Settings For These Bags?

Consumers enjoy seed products because they are healthy and can be eaten in a variety of ways. Seeds stored in our 363 series of rice paper bags can be sold at health food stores, grocery stores, and department stores. They can even be sold on health and wellness websites as well as large online marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, and Etsy.

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